Question: 1 / 50

Which of the following terms means "difficulty swallowing"?




The term that means "difficulty swallowing" is dysphagia. This condition can affect individuals in a variety of ways, making it challenging for them to safely ingest food or liquids. It can result from various medical issues, including conditions that affect the esophagus or throat, neurological disorders, or muscular problems. Dysphonia refers to difficulty speaking or a change in voice, often related to issues with the vocal cords. Dyspepsia involves discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen, commonly associated with indigestion and unrelated to swallowing difficulties. Dyspnea is a term used to describe difficulty breathing, which pertains to respiratory issues rather than swallowing. Therefore, dysphagia is the correct term specifically connected to the act of swallowing and any associated challenges.



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